Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well hello. First I want to introduce myself. I am the ultimate sports fan.  My friends call me Cookie. This blog is my outlet to the world since I can't afford or want to go to a psychiatrist.... Any whooo...I love the Saints even when they were the Ain'ts! Hate the Yankees...BLECH! Don't care too much for the Packers but love Aaron Rodgers. LOVE the Bucks...not a LeBron fan. Blackhawks, Jimmie Johnson, still love Kansas Men's Basketball but Missouri Men's Football. Love the Sparks not too fond of the Lakers...been into sports since I was 10. So I pretty much know what I'm talking about too. SMILE So this is my space to vent and get some things off my chest. No holds barred but I will keep it classy. So my thoughts for today...Randy Moss traded to Minnesota. You know at first I felt bad for dude. But then I said here is another black athlete shown negatively in the media. I'm sick and tired of these men acting like kids and then mad because they get treated like one.
I don't think the Patriots will do any worse off without him. Neither will the Vikings do any better with him. So he caught a few passes and made a few touchdowns. We live in the here and now. What have you done lately beside whine and yell and cuss? Hmmmm....Marinate on that.

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