Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello friends in my head!! LOL What a weekend! Baseball playoffs, college football, NBA pre-season and of course football season is well underway! What's up for me? Gonna grab some grub, get a couple of bottles of Lambrusco, fresh batteries for the remote and plant myself in front of the TV. Being that it's Friday, I usually pick my teams for the football pool and check my fantasy league teams. Today I'm focused on the NBA and the Miami Thrice of the Heat. D. Wade hurt his hamstring. First reason the Heat won't win the championship. I'm not saying that his injury is season ending, I just don't think that Miami is physically capable to stay healthy a full season. The Atlantic division is, in my opinion, the toughest division in the entire league. The Celtics have beefed up by getting Shaq in the middle. There are rumors that Carmelo may be going to NY with Stoudamire. The Nets are healthy this season. The rest of the Eastern Conference is even stronger. Chicago, Milwaukee, Orlando and Charlotte. These are all very physical teams and Miami doesn't have the bench to compete down the stretch. I've got my eye on the Milwaukee Bucks and not just because they're my home team. Jennings is coming off a record setting rookie season. John Salmons and Andrew Bogut are back. They got Drew Gooden to help Bogut in the paint. With the help of Corey Maggette and Earl Boykins, Redd will be able to find his game. I can see them going deeper in the playoffs than last season. So my pick for the NBA Finals this season? Bucks and Spurs...Bucks in 5. A girl can dream can't she? Enjoy your weekend!

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