Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Sweetest Day!!!

Today is Sweetest Day. I guess it's a makeup day for those who messed up on Valentine's Day. So, who is your sweetest? My sweetest is Steve Merriweather. I love him not because of what he does FOR me but what he does TO me....

But anyway back to sports. I'm really shocked at the New Orleans Saints. They are not the team that they were last year. The defense is weaker and the passing game is null and void. But I think that once they get focused on passing again, the shootouts will return.

Injuries have plagued the Green Bay Packers. Now Aaron Rodgers is questionable along with Finley, Lee, Driver, Pickett and Cullen Jenkins. The Packers face the Dolphins in Lambeau but it could be a battle with so many out.

Two more weeks until the NBA season starts! I can't wait.....

Happy Sweetest Day, Steve. I love you.....

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