Friday, November 26, 2010

Obama Suffers Basketball Injury; Gets 12 Stitches

President Obama gets stitches

Do we want to know too much?

I was reading how President Obama had to have 12 stitches in his lip after a basketball game with his family and friends on Thanksgiving. The article was SO informative that it listed the clothes the President was wearing for the game. It went on about his physicals and about his smoking. When is too much really TOO MUCH! Really.....just a thought. Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the holidays! Holla @ ya gurl!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Sweetest Day!!!

Today is Sweetest Day. I guess it's a makeup day for those who messed up on Valentine's Day. So, who is your sweetest? My sweetest is Steve Merriweather. I love him not because of what he does FOR me but what he does TO me....

But anyway back to sports. I'm really shocked at the New Orleans Saints. They are not the team that they were last year. The defense is weaker and the passing game is null and void. But I think that once they get focused on passing again, the shootouts will return.

Injuries have plagued the Green Bay Packers. Now Aaron Rodgers is questionable along with Finley, Lee, Driver, Pickett and Cullen Jenkins. The Packers face the Dolphins in Lambeau but it could be a battle with so many out.

Two more weeks until the NBA season starts! I can't wait.....

Happy Sweetest Day, Steve. I love you.....

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Morning Quarterback

So who would've thought that the reigning Super Bowl Champs would be in such dire straits this early in the season? And the Chiefs would be the last unbeaten team? Is it just me or does it seem that the NFL talent is spread evenly this year meaning no real dominant team? Just a thought. Preseason talk had the Packers and the Patriots facing each other in the Super Bowl. Hmmm, what a difference a week makes....marinate on that.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hello friends in my head!! LOL What a weekend! Baseball playoffs, college football, NBA pre-season and of course football season is well underway! What's up for me? Gonna grab some grub, get a couple of bottles of Lambrusco, fresh batteries for the remote and plant myself in front of the TV. Being that it's Friday, I usually pick my teams for the football pool and check my fantasy league teams. Today I'm focused on the NBA and the Miami Thrice of the Heat. D. Wade hurt his hamstring. First reason the Heat won't win the championship. I'm not saying that his injury is season ending, I just don't think that Miami is physically capable to stay healthy a full season. The Atlantic division is, in my opinion, the toughest division in the entire league. The Celtics have beefed up by getting Shaq in the middle. There are rumors that Carmelo may be going to NY with Stoudamire. The Nets are healthy this season. The rest of the Eastern Conference is even stronger. Chicago, Milwaukee, Orlando and Charlotte. These are all very physical teams and Miami doesn't have the bench to compete down the stretch. I've got my eye on the Milwaukee Bucks and not just because they're my home team. Jennings is coming off a record setting rookie season. John Salmons and Andrew Bogut are back. They got Drew Gooden to help Bogut in the paint. With the help of Corey Maggette and Earl Boykins, Redd will be able to find his game. I can see them going deeper in the playoffs than last season. So my pick for the NBA Finals this season? Bucks and Spurs...Bucks in 5. A girl can dream can't she? Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well hello. First I want to introduce myself. I am the ultimate sports fan.  My friends call me Cookie. This blog is my outlet to the world since I can't afford or want to go to a psychiatrist.... Any whooo...I love the Saints even when they were the Ain'ts! Hate the Yankees...BLECH! Don't care too much for the Packers but love Aaron Rodgers. LOVE the Bucks...not a LeBron fan. Blackhawks, Jimmie Johnson, still love Kansas Men's Basketball but Missouri Men's Football. Love the Sparks not too fond of the Lakers...been into sports since I was 10. So I pretty much know what I'm talking about too. SMILE So this is my space to vent and get some things off my chest. No holds barred but I will keep it classy. So my thoughts for today...Randy Moss traded to Minnesota. You know at first I felt bad for dude. But then I said here is another black athlete shown negatively in the media. I'm sick and tired of these men acting like kids and then mad because they get treated like one.
I don't think the Patriots will do any worse off without him. Neither will the Vikings do any better with him. So he caught a few passes and made a few touchdowns. We live in the here and now. What have you done lately beside whine and yell and cuss? Hmmmm....Marinate on that.